Enak! Indonesia’s Best Places to Eat and Do Good


Good food:
The Tuna Lemon Sauce is popular, as are the newer Salted Egg Prawn and Kweatiau Kungfu. And try the homemade lemon tea.
Good cause:
Fingertalk, which employs youths who are deaf, brings hearing people and the deaf community together by creating a cosy and relaxing space where everyone can enjoy good food with good company. Fingertalk's two cafes are about an hour south of South Jakarta.
Good to know:
The original cafe in Pamulang, which is bright, airy and cheery, has a small workshop where you can buy crafts and accessories handmade by the deaf crew, youths and elderly. The new cafe in Depok has a car wash run by the deaf crew, so you can have your car washed while enjoying a coffee or a meal. What a great idea.
Deaf Cafe Fingertalk: Jl. Pinang No.37 Pamulang Timur Tangerang Selatan Pamulang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Fingertalk Cafe and Car Wash: Jl. Cinere Raya no. 32, Depok, Indonesia.

Good food:
Viavia in Yogyakarta boasts of having dishes from all over the world, from Japanese style tuna fish to Flemish beef stew and local rijsttafel (various Indonesian dishes served with rice). Don't forget its freshly made juices and milkshakes, or some Javanese tea.
Good cause:
Gender equity, women empowerment and child protection - the majority of the staff and managers are women. Fair trade and development of local communities to have them benefit from tourist activities. A place to foster intercultural understanding.
Good to know:
Viavia has got so much going on, it's hard to know where to start. Besides the restaurant, it's got a guesthouse, tours, yoga classes and a shop selling local, recycled and organic art work, handicrafts, health products, spices and drinks. You can find rotating art exhibitions and a jazz band every Friday night. Best of all is its laid back environment to encourage friendship and cultural exchange. In fact, it advertises it this way: "Free: friendships seated at the next table - make the first move."
Jl. Prawirotaman 30, Yogyakarta.
+62 274 386557

Good food:
The bistik of course, which is a super tasty beef dish that sounds like "beefsteak" but comes in chunks or slices soaked in sauce. The nasi goreng is also excellent but don't leave without trying the bistik.
Good cause:
Food for peace. Dapoer Bistik is a place that welcomes terrorists, or more accurately, convicted terrorists who have served their prison sentence. The cafe is run by the Institute for International Peace Building (IIPB), which focuses on developing and deepening the understanding of peace and conflict, political violence, terrorism and other transnational crimes. The cafe offers the former detainees a welcoming space and even offers some of them work, in an effort to engage them and practically encourage them away from terrorism. Proceeds from the cafe in Solo, Central Java, go towards IIPB's work.
Good to know:
The cafe also serves snacks like keropok made by former detainees.
Jl. Kebangkitan Nasional No.62, Laweyan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57141, Indonesia.
+62 85100 038555